Advantages using Treasury Management System

TMS (Treasury Management System) はCISDが自社開発した財務系統合アプリケーションシステムです。TMSは以下の9つのモジュールから構成されており、企業の会計システムや銀行とのデータ交換向けインターフェース機能も備えています。


① Outgoing Payment
② Incoming Payment
③ Import L/C
④ Import Bill
⑤ Export L/C
⑥ Export Bill
⑦ FX Contract
⑧ Bank Loan/Deposit
⑨ Fund Management

System Function Overall


All Modules


Functional Modules – Outgoing Payment

Payment procedures by Cash, Cheque, Remittance, Local Vendor/Staff Reimbursement, between from Business Department, Account Department and Finance Department.

  • Outgoing Payment Request Application (Business Department)
  • Outgoing Payment Request Verification (Account Department)
  • Outgoing Payment Request Confirmation (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Request For Payment
    • Instruction for Remittance (Issue)
    • Application for Remittance
    • Instruction for Cash Payment
    • Instruction for Staff Reimbursement Payment
    • Instruction for Remittance/Transfer/Chats Payment
    • Instruction for Cheque Payment
    • Instruction for Cheque Payment – Cancel Cheque


Functional Modules – Incoming Payment

Collection procedures by Cash, Cheque and Remittance, between from Business Department, Account Department and Finance Department.

Incoming Fund Collection Entry (Business Department)

  • Incoming Fund Collection Verification (Account Department)
  • Incoming Fund Collection Confirmation (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Collection Memo
    • Customer Receipt


Functional Modules – Import L/C

Trading procedures of Import L/C, between from Business Department, Account Department and Finance Department.

  • Initiates the Import L/C Application (Business Department)
  • Verify the Import L/C Application (Account Department)
  • Confirm the Import L/C Application (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Application of L/C
    • Application for Irrevocable L/C
    • Application for Amendment
    • LC Application to Bank


Functional Modules – Import Bill

Trading procedures of Import Bill, between from Business Department, Account Department and Finance Department.

  • Initiates the Import Bill Application (Finance Department)
  • Confirm the Import Bill Application (Business Department)
  • Verify the Import Bill Application (Account Department)
  • Settle the Import Bill Application (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Instruction for Acceptance / or Payment
    • Instruction for Settlement (for Bank)
    • Instruction for T/R Extension
    • Settlement Notice


Functional Modules – Export L/C

Trading procedures of Export L/C of Finance Department.

  • Initiates the Export L/C application (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Note of Export L/C
    • Note of Export L/C (Amendment)


Functional Modules – Export Bill

Trading procedures of Export Bill, between from Business Department, Account Department and Finance Department.

  • Initiates the Export Bill Application (Business Department)
  • Verify the Export Bill Application (Account Department)
  • Confirm the Export Bill Application (Finance Department)
  • Settle the Export Bill Application (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Application (Business)
    • Application (Finance To bank)
    • Disapprove/Reject Notice
    • Instruction of document disposals
    • Application for Negotiation of Documentary Bill
    • Notice of Discrepancies
    • Letter of Guarantee
    • Bank Draft
    • Export Bills Settlement Notice


Functional Modules – Bank Loan and Deposit

Operation procedures of Bank Loan and Deposit of Finance Department.

  • Initiates the Bank Loan or Deposit Application (Finance Department)
  • Confirm the Bank Loan or Deposit Application (Finance Department)
  • Repay the Bank Loan or Deposit Application (Finance Department)
  • Settle the Bank Loan or Deposit Application (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Bank Loan/ Deposit Instruction
    • Overdue List
    • Memo (Loan/ Deposit)
    • Monthly Unrealized Interest Report


Functional Modules – FX Contract

Operation procedures of FX Contract, between Business Department and Finance Department.

  • Initiates the FX Contract Application (Business Department)
  • Verify the FX Contract Application (Finance Department)
  • Execute the FX Contract (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • FX Contract Bank Instruction
    • Instruction of FX Execution
    • Instruction for Acceptance and Payment


Functional Modules – Fund Management

Operation procedures of Fund Management of Finance Department.

  • Confirm the imported Bank Opening Balance (Finance Department)
  • Confirm the Daily Bank Balance (Finance Department)
  • Confirm the Funding Book (Finance Department)
  • Confirm the Pooling Interest and Posting (Finance Department)
  • Execute the Bank Account Statement Upload and Bank Reconciliation (Finance Department)
  • Execute the Payroll Data Import (Finance Department)
  • Report
    • Daily Bank Balance Forecast Report
    • Internal Facility Forecast Report
    • Payment and Collection Summary Report
    • Monthly Report Forex Balance

Outward Remittance Workflow

Outgoing Cheque Workflow


Outgoing Local Vendor/Staff Reimbursement Workflow


Outgoing Cash Workflow


Inward Remittance Workflow


Incoming Cheque Workflow


Incoming Cash Workflow


Incoming Cash Workflow


Import Bill Workflow


Export L/C and Export Bill Workflow


Export L/C and Export Bill Workflow


FX Contract Management Workflow


Fund Control Workflow