
We have updated our advertisements for “ぽけっとページウィークリー(Pocket Page Weekly)”.
(Sorry, it’s only Japanese version.)

We have updated our advertisements for “ぽけっとページウィークリー(Pocket Page Weekly)”.
(Sorry, it’s only Japanese version.)

You can find our advertisement for 2020-2021 in “ぽけっとページ(Pocket Page)”. (Sorry, it’s only Japanese version.)

CISD joined the charity run organized by FOODSPORT in 13 October and some of staff of CISD participated in 10km running program.

CISD is keen to support different kinds of community and charity activities. As a good corporate citizen, we initiate and support a wide range of activities related to charity, environment and education schemes to meet the needs of our community and help make a difference to it.